Carbon-neutral and flexible energy system

The efficient utilisation of renewable and carbon-neutral energy in industry, transport, and construction holds a key position in solving climate issues.

We need a new understanding of the interoperability of the energy system and management of the interfaces. With the new models everyone can take part in the big change!
Kari Mäki, Research Professor, Smart Energy Systems

Everyone can take part in a clean energy system, including ordinary people like us. Even small choices by individuals have a great impact.

In the future there will be plenty of clean, reliable, and cost-effective energy for everyone. In 2030 our energy system will be a dynamic  unity covering all energy needs, resources, and networks. It will be possible to produce energy locally and it will be consumed and used sustainably in our society.

Our approach

We operate in close collaboration with industry, actors in the energy field, and municipal actors to develop new models for the different parts of the energy value chain. We combine the newest technologies and solutions also from outside the field of energy with open minds. We operate extensively at the international level. We offer new opportunities both for heavy industry and for individual people – and everything in between.

These are the cornerstones of our approach:

  • We are enabling the establishment of an energy system based on renewable and carbon neutral energy without compromising on reliability and cost-effectiveness.

  • We are developing and applying the operating models of sector integration in industry, transport, and buildings, as well as in new areas. We are utilising our extensive skills and knowledge in different sectors.

  • We are developing new technologies originating from applications. We are looking for solutions to practical challenges in artificial intelligence applications, for example.

  • We are creating new open development environments in which energy communities, flexibility services, and other innovative operating models are refined into practical solutions.