Technologies to scale up quantum computers

Reaching quantum advantage requires the profound development of technology to scale up today’s quantum computers. It is not just the number and quality of qubits that need to be increased and improved. New integration technologies need to be invented and new ways of how qubits are connected to the outside world need to be developed. For example, how should thousands of microwave cables be replaced with novel solutions? VTT develops such technologies to scale up quantum computers.
Key facts
VTT develops technologies to scale up quantum computers.
We have decades of experience developing and manufacturing superconductive hardware components.
Thanks to our in-house quantum computers, we are early adopters and developers of quantum algorithms and quantum-classical software.

At VTT we support our customers with:
- R&D services for superconductive quantum hardware, quantum sensing and enabling technologies
- Proof of concepts, demonstrations, technology validation
- In-house manufacturing capabilities
- IP creation and licensing

Quantum hardware development for scaling up quantum computers
We have an in-house R&D cleanroom in which we can manufacture and pilot new technologies and components. We help our customers to innovate new devices and subsystems, from design and production all the way to small-scale manufacturing. We also have characterisation capabilities for cryogenic, RF, photonics and millimetre wave devices.
VTT has been designing and manufacturing superconductive quantum devices for customers since the 1990s. We have the capability to combine superconductive processing with other process platforms like MEMS, integrated photonics and semiconductors to develop completely novel designs, devices and subsystems.
Superconductive quantum devices
At VTT, we develop technology, devices and subsystems for quantum computing hardware, quantum sensing and enabling technologies.
We also develop superconductive 3D integration methods to enable 3D stacking of superconductive wafers. We stack components into highly integrated superconductive modules thanks to superconducting flip chip bonding technology and superconducting through silicon vias (TSV).
Quantum sensing
Within quantum sensing, we focus on the R&D of SQUID-based circuits for magnetometry – often used in commercially available brain imaging systems. SQUIDs can also be used as very low noise amplifiers and multiplexers in sensor readouts – the ESA Athena mission is one example. We also develop superconducting single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) that are used, for example, as photon counters in quantum communication applications and photonics quantum computers.
Enabling technologies
Around the core of quantum computers, various enabling technologies are required. We have extensive experience in researching and developing technologies like:
- Very low noise cryogenic amplifiers ideal for amplifying weak qubit and quantum sensor signals in RF to millimetre wave range.
- Custom integrated circuits for qubit and detector readout, control and multiplexing using silicon germanium (SiGe), CMOS and InP technologies.
Integrated photonics solutions
Our integrated photonics solutions for quantum computers include silicon nitride and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) based solutions. We are especially focused on electro-optical transformation in quantum computers. This is needed for replacing thousands of microwave cables with a few optical fibers when transferring microwave signals from superconductive qubits or photonic sensors to room temperature. To achieve this, we use in-house 3D integration methods of superconductive and photonics technologies.

Case: VTT supports Xanadu to accelerate the development of photonic quantum computers
VTT collaborates with Toronto-based quantum technology company Xanadu to achieve scale manufacturing of Xanadu’s technology and support its mission to build quantum computers that are practical and accessible to people everywhere.
“We needed a partner who could help us transition our solutions from research to manufacturing scale production – and there aren't many organizations able to do that.”
Dr. Matt Collins Xanadu

VTT is a central player in quantum technology in Europe and Finland
VTT plays a central role in the European Quantum Flagship, acting as coordinator for Qu-Pilot and as a partner in Qu-test and OpenSuperQ projects.
VTT is a member of InstituteQ, the Finnish Quantum Institute. The aim of InstituteQ is to collaborate in preparing Finnish society for the disruptive potential and consequences of quantum technologies on both the economy and society as a whole.
BusinessQ is a VTT-coordinated joint effort under InstituteQ. BusinessQ brings together end-user companies that will benefit from the onset and deployment of quantum technologies. BusinessQ’s objectives include the formation of a business roadmap for quantum technologies in Finland and supporting the creation of new businesses from quantum technologies.
Institute Q – Building a quantum-ready society
BusinessQ – a network driving innovations and business from quantum

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