VTT LaunchPad

The science-based incubator VTT LaunchPad delivers VTT’s strategy to renew industries and society by spinning off companies built on VTT’s technologies. In the incubator, we bring VTT researchers and IPR together with the best business minds and investors out there.

Watch LaunchPad introduction and the pitches of our teams at our Meet and Greet event 11.10.2022.

VTT LaunchPad is committed to develop fundable spin-off companies with great impact

VTT is a powerhouse of technology development and scientific research. Many of the most significant Finnish technology start-ups were brought to life at VTT. VTT LaunchPad supports venture teams to develop VTT owned IPR into fundable startups geared for an international growth path.


In 2024 Financial Times chose VTT LaunchPad to its list of leading startup hubs in Europe.

VTT LaunchPad started its incubation operations in 2019. Internal VTT teams who wish to develop a spin-off venture based on their research and inventions can apply for the program all year round. However, the most typical way of joining the incubation program is through our commercialization workshop offered both in the spring and fall. The workshop lays the foundation for spin-off path to aim high and dream big:

  • What is the bold global impact that could be achieved in 10 years based on the technology you have developed?
  • How to achieve the long-term impact?
  • Who has the most burning need?
  • Where should the project be in 3 years to be on the desired development path?
  • Who should be involved in building the dream and who are the ones who could help? 

In VTT LaunchPad, our spin-off projects are developed with either the Business Finland's R2B (Research to Business) funding or our own funding. VTT LaunchPad facilitates and spars R2B funding applications across VTT in the commercialization workshops and helps with complementing the research teams with external commercialization expertise. 

The incubator’s own funding is faster by nature and can offer an accelerated path out. In our own funding, we apply the evidence-based Lean Startup principles of reducing uncertainty one step at the time. We emphasize getting the ventures close to customers as early as possible to create startups that serve a real customer need.  

The VTT LaunchPad incubator training program is tailored to cultivate high quality fundable spin-off startups. In addition, we offer other help according to individual teams’ needs and current state of development.  

Venture team development is of high importance to us as that is the root cause of failure for most failed startups. In addition to the current sparring and training on this, we are constantly trying to improve and take our offering to the next level.

VTT LaunchPad teams

In our deep-tech incubator, we create bold science-driven companies to renew industries by combining research, technology, mentors and investors. Get to know our teams and be part of the future of new innovations now!

The incubation program offers

  • Up to a year of pre-seed funding for the teams, guided by the Lean Startup principles
  • IPR support and development
  • Active team development
  • Entrepreneurial training and courses
  • Mentoring, contacts to investors and other partners

To enter to the VTT LaunchPad, the business idea must

  • Be built on VTT IPR that can  be spun off.
  • Show market potential and be scalable.
  • Have a positive impact and benefit for society and the customer.
  • Be built on demonstrated technology.
  • Be run by a team that can develop to a fundable team.

Ways of getting involved

We are constantly looking for individuals with proven track record of developing startups to international commercial success, who are interested in:

  • Founding a science-based startup
  • Joining a team as an entrepreneur
  • Mentoring

Benefits for an investor

  • Early opportunities for interaction and investment.
  • Early visibility into venture teams and tech trends.
  • Science & research based new ventures with solid IPR.
  • Exceptionally customer centric teams, proven customer need, problem-solution fit and customer commitment.

As a corporate partner

  • You may be able to help with the productization
  • Be the early stage customer
  • Take part as an advisor of a Research to Business -project.

Meet our team

Please contact us primarily by sending an email to [email protected].


Lotta Partanen
Lotta Partanen
Head of Incubation and Acceleration

Lotta is the founder of VTT LaunchPad and head of Incubation and Acceleration at VTT. She has career-long experience in strategic innovation in multiple new business creation environments in large international corporations. Lotta is firm believer of the lean methodology, culture of trial and error and customer centeredness. Her vision is to accelerate the growth of the Finnish economy and the renewal of industry with high-quality well-funded VTT spinoffs hungry for global impact.

Mio Silvennoinen
Senior Specialist, Business Analyst

Mio works as a business analyst at VTT LaunchPad. His task is to support VTT LaunchPad teams with business development. He helps the teams to create feasible and viable business plans, including business modeling, market & competitor analysis, and financial modeling. He monitors and analyses startup field, especially startup and deep tech funding. He is also active in the daily VTT LaunchPad operations. 

Profile photo
Laura Lappalainen
Specialist, Incubation and Acceleration

Laura’s main responsibility in VTT LaunchPad is to leverage omnichannel communication in the ecosystem thanks to her professional experience in communications and educational background in innovation. In addition, she coordinates event planning and production and ensures the daily activities of VTT LaunchPad run smoothly. Laura is the primary contact person in case of general inquiries. 

Profile photo
Suvi Lehtonen
Specialist, Incubation and Acceleration

Suvi's role is to coordinate and develop the training program of VTT LaunchPad. With her previous experiences in the startup ecosystem, incubation and innovation she supports VTT LaunchPad teams. She also assists with event production and marketing as well as the initiation of the NATO DIANA accelerator. 

TiiaMaria Tenhunen
Tiia-Maria Jaakkola (on maternity leave)
Manager, Spin-off Incubation

Tiia-Maria's main roles are communication and collaboration with stakeholders and the startup ecosystem as well as development of the mentoring program. She also supports Lotta in developing systematic practices for incubating research-based spin-offs. Thanks to her previous career as a biomaterial researcher at VTT she understands the mindset of a scientist and is interested in supporting their mental shift to entrepreneurs.

VTT LaunchPad Alumni

Illustrative image

Flow Computing (January 2024)

Flow Computing has developed technology that boosts CPU performance by 100x by creating a new type of parallel computing IP with full backwards compatibility to existing CPUs and applications.


HTM Solutions (June 2023)

HTM Solutions is a cutting-edge technology company that specializes in non-invasive human thermal status monitoring through software solutions.


Steady Energy (May 2023)

Steady Energy will build a heating plant powered by a small nuclear reactor, designed to produce heat efficiently, safely and carbon-neutrally, at considerably lower temperature and pressure than traditional nuclear reactors.


SemiQon (February 2023)

SemiQon intends to build Quantum processors from semiconductors and target the million qubit era, with SCALABILITY promise.

Carbonaideteknologialla valmistettuja pihalaattoja

Carbonaide (January 2023)

Carbonaide’s proprietary technology enables manufacturing of novel CO2 neutral (or even CO2 negative) and highly sustainable concrete, thus helping to harness and immensely lower the global CO2 footprint & balance.

The Warming Surfaces Company, demo

The Warming Surfaces Company (December 2022)

Digitalizing heating for the age of sustainability. Real-time warmth from intelligent surfaces is set to improve energy efficiency in buildings by over 20%, while at the same time increasing comfort of living and work efficiency.

Bioteknisesti tuotettua valkuaisproteiinijauhoa ja vaahtoa

Onego Bio (February 2022)

Rethinking the food system - Creating egg white without chickens. Onego Bio’s animal-free egg white production is based on a safe, cost-efficient and environmentally sound technology called precision fermentation.

CooliBlade cooling element

CooliBlade (November 2021)

Extremely efficient cooling solution for high power electronics. Applicable to a large variety of product segments, where heat limits the performance.

Photo of a scoop of protein powder

Volare (June 2021)

Volare aims to provide a sustainable solution for protein production through valorisation of food industry side streams. With over 100 billion target market it wants to save the world from waste.

An aerial photo of a forest with a river running through it, ending in a lake

Enifer (October 2020)

Enifer is transforming circular economy by-products into planet friendly protein. Their PEKILO® -product is a highly nutritious, fungi-based protein with natural taste and color. As a versatile and sustainable source of nutrients, PEKILO® makes an ideal drop-in ingredient for aquafeed, pet food, and food production.

Financial Times recognition