The company’s reputation is at an excellent level, which is shown by the study conducted yearly by T-Media. The highest scores VTT received from SME’s. Positive development continued among large companies, which gave their best scores for operational responsibility, administration and financial performance. "We also succeeded in getting strong support from our employees, which has helped us in strengthening customer experiences and improving VTT’s brand”, says Jenni Santalo, VP in marketing and communications.
VTT got excellent scores for its responsibility and financial performance. VTT is not yet considered as a particularly agile organization, but the scores about agility have improved especially among business decision-makers.
The staff gave VTT strong support. VTT’ers feel their work is meaningful, and the employer offers interesting tasks and a good working atmosphere.
The situation among potential employees (technology experts) is steady and on a good level.
“Following the development of the reputation is important: action follows good reputation. I am pleased to notice that our determined work is producing results. We want to create impact and we want to be the preferred R&D partner for our customers”, says Jenni Santalo, Vice President, Marketing and Communications. “We have studied the results every year and selected the areas we want to improve. Next, we could pay even more attention to interaction and customer experience and further improve our reputation based on our strengths: high-quality innovations, responsibility and employer image”, she continues.
In T-Media's Reputation&Trust study, VTT's reputation was evaluated in the following areas during 2022–2023: administration, financial performance, leadership, innovation, dialog, products & services, workplace and responsibility.
VTT has monitored the development of its reputation since 2014. The company's reputation has steadily improved. The studied stakeholders are the general public, SMEs and large companies, political decision-makers and the media. VTT has also studied its reputation among its own employees and experts in the technology sector for two years.
VTT's overall reputation in Finland during 2022-2023 studied by T-Media