European Commission and Adra signed to strengthen AI, data and robotics expertise in Europe


On 23 June, 2021, the European Commission and the AI, Data and Robotics Association Adra signed a Memorandum of Understanding that establishes the co-programmed partnership that will serve as European focal point for AI, Data and Robotics. Adra is a new association set up by five industrial and research communities to strengthen Europe's competitive position in the sector. VTT participates in Adra's operations through its BDVA (Big Data Value Association) and euRobotics (European Robotics Association) memberships. VTT’s Research professor Caj Södergård serves the consortium as a member of its Board and as one of its Vice Presidents.

The partnership leverages EUR 1.3 billion of public investments through the Horizon Europe programme, complemented with EUR 1.3 billion of private investments in the period 2021-2030 to address the key challenges in European AI, Data and Robotics.

The agreement opens opportunities to influence on the content of work programmes of EU-funded development projects related to AI, data and robotics. The aim of the partnership is to improve competitiveness, prosperity and the environment in Europe by introducing thrustworthy technologies in artificial intelligence, data and robotics in a way that respects European values.

“Through working groups and statements, VTT has the opportunity to contribute and thus influence on the work programmes through which the EU directs funding to its member states. Being active in the community improves the chances of getting involved in winning project consortia. This way, Finland will also quickly receive the results of the EU projects implemented within its scope. In addition, we can strengthen the awareness of Finland's and VTT's expertise in the fields of AI, data and robotics in Europe through networking. Research topics that are particularly important to VTT include reliable sharing of data between industrial actors, and the utilization of data-based machine learning within and between industries”, says VTT’s Research Professor Caj Södergård, who was elected to Adra's Board of Directors on 22 May, 2021.

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