Research professor Heikki Ailisto takes overall responsibility for VTT's FCAI (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence) operations. In addition, Ailisto has been appointed to the FCAI steering group.
VTT's role in FCAI’s operations focuses on how the results of artificial intelligence research are utilised in practice. Ailisto's goal is to further enhance the impact of the operations on companies, industry and the society as a whole.
“The wider use of the results and new methods of artificial intelligence research in society requires concrete actions, such as joint research projects with industry. I will take these actions forward in my new role as part of the FCAI Industry and Society program,” says Ailisto.
Ailisto is a long-standing VTT employee with a strong ICT background. He has coordinated VTT's artificial intelligence research and mapped the overall situation of Finland's artificial intelligence expertise on behalf of the Prime Minister's Office.
“Finland is at a good European level in artificial intelligence research, and we also have experience in co-operation between research and industry. On this basis, we are in a good position to put the results of artificial intelligence research to practice,” Ailisto reflects. “As a researcher, I look forward to the so-called third wave of artificial intelligence that would combine the prevailing machine learning with symbolic reasoning.”