Embracing the future: the power of GPT technology and the need for adaptation

Blog post
Arash Hajikhani

GPT technology enhanced by AI is evolving rapidly with already viable applications. Even though its limitations are evident since it cannot reason and be creative like a human, its future progress will lead to even more advancements. Business and individuals need to learn to adapt to such fast new and developing technology rather than be disrupted by it. The future is here!

GPT technology is a form of artificial intelligence that has revolutionized the way we work. GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, which is a type of machine-learning model that has been trained on billions of data points. The most famous model of GPT technology is GPT-3, which is the third generation of Generative Pre-trained Transformer and was developed by OpenAI in 2019.

GPT-3 is capable of performing a wide range of natural language processing tasks, such as generating coherent text that flows naturally, making it well-suited for tasks such as chatbots and virtual assistants. It can also be used to automatically translate text or speech in real time or produce high-quality translations of large volumes of text. With GPT-3, users can generate human-like text on a given topic or in response to a prompt. ChatGPT is an example of a product that uses GPT technology to enable users to communicate with a virtual assistant in a conversational manner.

GPT technology impact to businesses

GPT technology is likely to significantly impact a wide range of sectors, including finance, healthcare, retail, logistics, media, and more. In the finance sector, GPT technology can be used to identify and classify named entities in text, generate answers to natural language questions, and analyze the sentiment of text. In the healthcare sector, it can be used to generate predictive models for diagnosis and treatment. In retail, GPT technology can be used to generate personalized product recommendations and optimize inventory and pricing strategies. In logistics, it can be used to optimize delivery routes and automate warehouse operations. In media, it can be used to produce stories and content for social media and websites.

Companies should prepare to adapt technologies such as GPT by investing in the necessary infrastructure and resources needed to use them. This includes ensuring that they have access to powerful computing resources, such as cloud computing platforms, and investing in the data needed to train their AI models. Additionally, companies should ensure that their staff members have the necessary skills to use and manage these technologies and the knowledge to ensure that their data is secure and private. Finally, companies should develop a strategy for integrating these technologies into their existing processes and workflows and create a roadmap for how they will measure and assess the success of their AI models.

GPT limitations and its future

While GPT technology is highly advanced and capable of performing a wide range of tasks, it is unlikely that it will replace humans entirely. In many cases, GPT technology can assist humans in performing tasks more efficiently or accurately, but it will not replace the need for human judgment or creativity.

There are several concerns and limitations associated with GPT technology. One of the biggest concerns is that GPT technology can be used to generate text that is grammatically correct but logically incorrect. This can be a major issue in certain applications, such as customer service or medical diagnosis, where incorrect information can lead to serious consequences. Other concerns include privacy and data security, as GPT technology is trained on large datasets of text, which can include sensitive or confidential information. Additionally, GPT technology can be expensive to use, as the most advanced models require access to powerful computing resources.

While the full extent of the impact of GPT technology on the future of work is not yet known, it is clear that this innovative technology has the potential to fundamentally change the way we work and interact with machines. As GPT technology continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see it play an increasingly prominent role in the future of work.

In my interaction with ChatGPT, I asked for a poem on how GPT technology will help human in their tasks. The response is poetic!

GPT technology will help us do our tasks,

Making life simpler and less of a chore.

It can handle the calculations, so we don't have to ask,

And provide help in places we can't explore.


It can read and write, so no need to learn,

And create new ideas without any concern.

It can analyze data and give insights to us,

Making it easier to make decisions we must.


GPT technology is here to stay,

We can count on it to help us every day.

It will be a part of our lives, whether near or far,

Helping us in ways that we have never seen before.

Arash Hajikhani
Arash Hajikhani
Research Team Leader