Kick-off meeting of NOMATEN, a Teaming H2020 project, took place in Warsaw, Poland 11.12.2019. The project is coordinated by the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), where NOMATEN, the Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Application has been founded. VTT and French research organisation CEA support the development and growth of the Centre of Excellence during the seven-year project. NOMATEN Centre of Excellence is focused on research with functional materials for harsh environments in energy industry and advanced materials for medical technology, e.g. for diagnostics.
Jean-Eric Paquet, Director DG RTD from the European Commission, gave opening speech in the kick-off meeting and welcomed the challenging and important project. According to Mr Paquet, the investment in the research, innovation and knowhow is investment to the European future. Mikko Alava, the NOMATEN CoE director, describes the Teaming project as a unique opportunity for strong cooperation between the research organisations and universities.
VTT is responsible leader of the Work Package Innovation-based management. VTT's role is especially bringing in the best practices on marketing strategy and industrial cooperation. The three project partner organisations, NCBJ, CEA and VTT, will arrange research exchanges and trainings.
The recruitment for the personnel of the CoE is on-going. Deadline for the applications to the Research Group Leader positions and Post-doctoral and PhD positions in materials theory positions is 17.1.2020.