The largest centre of micro and nanotechnology in the Nordic countries, Micronova, is to be owned by VTT. The state will transfer the Micronova property located in Otaniemi to VTT on 1 January 2024. The transfer of ownership secures the continuation of strategically important research work for Finland and provides VTT with an opportunity to further develop the Otaniemi area with its partners.
The State of Finland has found that the research carried out at Micronova is strategically important for Finland and wants to ensure that it will continue in the future. This has led to a decision to transfer ownership and control of the property to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Until now, the property has been managed by Senate Properties on behalf of the state.
‘The work done at Microronova is vital for the growth of the Finnish semiconductor and quantum industries. Property ownership opens up great opportunities for us to develop the Otaniemi area and to support the success of the industries in the future. In practice, this is reflected positively in, for example, the ongoing Kvanttinova Project and its development,’ says Erja Turunen, Executive Vice President, Digital technologies, at VTT.
The change of ownership will not cause any changes to Micronova's operations or research facilities. In addition to VTT, several quantum and semiconductor companies operate in the facilities. Their operations will continue unchanged.
Further information about Micronova and Kvanttinova.