Is fire safety an expensive after-thought?
Methods and technologies for fire safe transportation
There’s a growing desire among consumers to experience cruise ships, trains and planes that are grander than ever before.
Meanwhile, climate change puts pressure on companies to explore sustainable and bio-based building materials. New material innovations emerge constantly across industries, including transportation. This development results in complicated constructions made out of materials yet unknown to traditional fire safety design. There is simply not enough empirical data on the new materials.
The solution is VTT FireProof – a holistic fire safety service that includes the assessment of materials, products and structures in the product development phase, as well as support in the testing and classification phases.
Register now to hear more about our holistic fire safety service!
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Terhi Kling (M.Sc. Tech.) is a senior scientist and has a long experience in fire risk assessment using numerical simulation of smoke transport and human evacuation. She has used FDS code extensively on ship, train and land applications and carried out research and development in several international projects. She works also in projects concerning risk assessment and safety of nuclear power plants, especially in the field of human reliability assessment.

Tuula Hakkarainen, D.Sc. (Tech.), at VTT since 1994, works as a Principal Scientist and Project Manager. She is experienced in the assessment of fire performance of materials and products for buildings and vehicles, smoke gas analysis and toxicity aspects of fire effluents, computational estimation of fire classification, and experimental studies.