Value creation and sharing in the circular economy

Every phase of a product’s lifecycle from raw material to end product as a part of recycling needs to be understood as well as possible. In this way, we can save important natural resources, reduce emissions and create new markets.

Technology and research are needed to guarantee a sustainable life for future generations and to create business opportunities for existing companies.
Tarja Laitinen

In 2030, the planning of new raw materials, materials and products will be sustainable due to artificial intelligence. Data collected from industrial processes, markets and product end users will reveal the possibilities for the reuse of materials. Data analytics, which utilises machine learning, is used to improve the efficiency of business models and supplier chains that support the circular economy.

Finland is known as an industrial country. The raw materials for many products that contain wood or metal originate from Finland. What if we could also gain a reputation as a world leader at the end of the value chain as repairers, distributors, and recyclers?

Our approach

We help our partners design high-performance product materials and components that support the circular economy and to streamline their design methods. At the same time, we will help brand owners create new products and services that are in line with sustainable development.

These are the cornerstones of our approach:

  • We develop technologies that improve the quality of recycled materials and the value of products produced from them.

  • By using data and digital design methods, we help predict the ageing of materials and extend their useful life and help improve their recycling and value chain.

  • We map out new business opportunities based on the circular economy and support our partners in decision-making related to them.

  • We focus AI technologies on industrial needs by developing AI aided design methods and tools. We offer means for optimising product performance, durability and cost efficiency.

  • We provide the tools and platforms for the automation of design processes and the cognitive design of tools to maximise the performance of even complex solutions.