
Investing in long-term space research provides scientific findings and technical competences necessary for new consumer products. VTT’s research and innovation expertise in space technologies is set to benefit societies at large.
Research and development work in space-related science and technologies can be tremendously beneficial: technology first used in space is often transferred to new non-space applications and products. This is an important by-product of participation in space programmes. After being first applied to satellite-based instruments, high-end technologies typically take years, even decades, to reach regular consumers.
VTT has extensive experience in space technologies such as satellites, millimetre wave, communication and sensor technologies.
VTT has extensive experience in space technologies such as satellites, millimetre wave, communication and sensor technologies. We have taken part and continue to collaborate in Earth observation and deep space missions with the European Space Agency, NASA and major space companies. An example of technology transfer is VTT’s Millilab, ESA’s external laboratory on millimetre wave technology. Technologies initially developed for finding out the first steps and further evolution of the universe are now being applied to 5G telecommunication systems. Millimetre waves are also used in radar sensors for the visually impaired.
Do you want to develop future space technology with us? Explore our services below or contact us directly for a tailored partnership.