Security-related competence helps protect against data security attacks and prepare for security threats to society and human lives.
It is important to prepare for security threats affecting the functioning of society, such as natural disasters, major accidents and cyber attacks, as comprehensively as possible in advance and to anticipate their impact.
Cyber security services and simulation tools help protect against threats and ensure the continuity of operations. For example, a simulation tool developed by an international research project that can be used to prepare for power cuts and evacuations due to winter storms has been piloted in Finland.
Security threats affecting the functioning of society should be prepared for as comprehensively as possible in advance.
In many industries, security is a critical element that concerns the entire business. VTT helps companies develop reliable platforms and services to ensure information security early in the development process. VTT has extensive experience in standardised information security solutions as well as in the use of certificates, keys, cryptography and watermarks.
As the most important research partner of the Finnish Defence Forces, VTT’s key areas of expertise lie in knowledge of society’s capacity to recover, enhancing and taking account of human capabilities, and various technologies, such cyber, radio frequency, communications and materials technologies.
Do you want to develop services and tools related to security with us? Find out more about our services below or contact us to set up a bespoke partnership.