VTT was developing NZEB recommendations for Ukraine to improve building efficiency and decrease emissions

Project news

Case study buildings, workshops and simulation methods used for development

NEFCO’s Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) project for Ukraine address the opportunities for improving energy efficiency and reducing cost in the building sector and provides the technical recommendation for nearly zero energy building (NZEB) in Ukraine. Two representative building types (apartment and school buildings) were focused in the context of Ukraine. These were selected as they have significant impact and large share of the building stock in the context of NZEB development. These buildings were modelled and simulated for two climate zones i.e., Kyiv (North) and Odesa (South).

The main objectives of the project is to support the development of technical regulations and requirements for cost-efficient NZEB solutions for new apartment buildings and schools in Ukraine and provide these recommendations to the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine. The development of the proposed project is supporting the first five-year (2020-2025) period of the National Plan. The project will be the basis for the requirements for the buildings of NZEB in Ukraine at the legislative level. The resulting NZEB technical recommendations used the current energy efficiency legislation as a starting point and build up on the current business practice technologies allowing a smooth transition to the cost-efficient NZEB.

Three workshops with the key stakeholders were arranged during the course of the project. The final dissemination workshop and seminar was held on 1st  December 2022 as part of the NEFCO project related to Technical recommendations of the Nearly Zero Energy Building in Ukraine. The 100 attendants were from various local stakeholders ranging from Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, NEFCO, companies, experts, planners, designers etc.

Energy efficiency by ventilation heat recovery, improved insulation and building integrated renewables

The VTT results show that there is a huge improvement potential both in apartment buildings and in school buildings. The total purchased energy could be easily reduced in apartment building by 26 kWh/m2 (reference 126 kWh/m2) and in schools by 80 kWh/m2 (reference: 183 kWh/m2). The biggest impact on heating energy consumption was achieved by adding the heat recovery system in ventilation and improving the thermal insulation of windows and external walls.  This will support in reducing the life cycle costs based on the present and future investment and energy prices. Furthermore, it was recommended to integrate photovoltaic (PV) on the roof of the buildings that will support in reducing the energy import, emissions and provide energy security. The regulations upgrade, policy and financial support were recommended to enhance faster transition towards NZEB and renewable energy integration. Further ideas related to the energy efficiency, renewable based energy systems design, and regulations are under discussion.

VTT work supports energy conscious reconstruction of Ukraine

VTT received positive feedback from the stakeholders and ministry during the workshop. The Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine will use these recommendations in developing their national energy regulations and policy, which is extremely important when the post war reconstruction in Ukraine begins. It was mentioned by the ministry that it is necessary to update the regulatory framework, build the NZEB building assessment system, and engage stakeholders etc. After the publication of the project report by VTT, the recommendations will be provided to the market as a regulatory document by March 2023.


The project was financed by the Finland Ukraine Trust Fund, managed by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The main contractor for the development of technical recommendations for NZEB buildings is VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. iC Ukraine is a local project consultant.

Video recording of the seminar: https://ic-consulenten.com.ua/news-and-publications/final-workshop-technical-recommendations-of-the-new-built-nearly-zero-energy-building-nzeb-in-ukraine/

News article (in Ukrainian): https://ua.interfax.com.ua/news/general/876553.html

VTT's presentation of the NZEB workshop

Hassam Rehman
Hassam Rehman
Ismo Heimonen
Ismo Heimonen