From Lab to market -roundtables will let you ask questions from experts regarding commercialization of your science based business idea.
Have you been thinking how to grow impact of your research? How to build viable solutions to big problems? Go commercial? Start up? Ready for 360°View on commercialization?
We have invited 12 experts to answer your burning questions on how to move From Lab to Market! Join us for roundtable discussions with 3 x 30 minutes speedy advice around a specific topic of your interest. Get answers and advice to your questions, hear thoughts of other researchers and entrepreneurs, get to know your peers and grow your network!
Roundtable topics
1. Identifying & building up impact of your research & startup?
2. Improve your pitch – get speedy feedback on your pitch and/or deck
3. How to get funding?
4. Questions related to business development
5. Internationalization
6. Convincing people: Internal idea selling
7. Investor table – Feedback from VC
8. How to build a founding team?
9. How to build collaboration with proof of concept / applied research
10. Patenting & IPR issues; when should I register my trademark etc.
11. Research to Business -funding, Business Finland
12. How to get your first customers & sales?
Each table has 8 seats, so prepare to pick alternative topics, if you don’t happen to fit the table you would’ve hoped for!
In addition to the roundtables, VTT Launchpad and Aalto Startup Center are present to answer your questions and tell you more about the opportunities in their organizations.