VTT invests patents and IPR in growth companies

In addition to IPR licensing and direct sales, VTT carries out IPR sales as contribution in-kind investment in return for shares in growth companies.

When patents, trademarks and technologies are licensed, the customer pays money for the rights to use them. In contribution in-kind investment the buyer pays for the IPR with shares, which is particularly suitable for growth companies that want to invest all their capital in growth and business development.

Investment process and contact details

The investment process is managed by VTT's IPR Management, and decisions on IPR investments are made by VTT's IPR Committees and the Board of Directors of VTT Holding Ltd. VTT's internal investment decision-making processes are carried out on flexible timeframes, but overall investment negotiations typically last between 2 and 6 months

Aerial picture of forest

Investment criteria of VTT and VTT Holding Oy

VTT evaluates its IPR investments in growth companies on a case-by-case basis, provided that the investment does not harm VTT's own business and the IPR investment is the best way for the target company to enable business growth. The ultimate objective is to ensure that VTT's inventions are made available for business use and thus have the widest and most positive impact on the whole society.

IPR investments are most commonly carried out in venture capital investment rounds, where VTT Holding Ltd participates as a single investor and receives the same information about the target company as other investors. VTT Holding Ltd is a minority shareholder that does not invest money or other capital in the target company and the IPR to be transferred is valued neutrally by external experts.

VTT Holding Oy implements and manages VTT's IPR investments

VTT Holding Oy was established in 2019 to implement and manage VTT's IPR investments.

Please contact us for more information

Antti Pirnes
Antti Pirnes
IPR Manager & IPR Investor