Innovations and measurements to create a sustainable world

Project news

This year the world commemorates World Metrology Day with the theme Sustainability by reminding the pivotal role accurate measurements play in environmental research and policymaking. These measurements are the backbone of our understanding and response to complex environmental challenges like climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. At VTT, sustainability is more than a theme; it's a strategic commitment that permeates every layer of our work. Our research and development efforts are dedicated to building a more sustainable world, targeting systemic and technological challenges to achieve carbon neutrality, enhance resource productivity, promote material sustainability, and facilitate a clean transition.

As we step into the future, the importance of sustainable development becomes ever more apparent. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has also recognised this in its steering document for VTT for the period 2024-2027, as one of the impact targets set for VTT is to develop solutions to sustainability challenges.

In a world where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, VTT stands at the forefront of innovation, driving the transition towards a cleaner, greener future. With a commitment to collaboration, VTT unites researchers, businesses, and the public sector to transform scientific breakthroughs into impactful, commercial solutions. Our state-of-the-art research facilities and ability to perform accurate and reliable measurements are the breeding ground for testing and scaling sustainable technologies, making VTT a beacon of progress in the sustainability realm.

Finland's journey towards sustainability is marked by its potential in clean industries and renewable energy and VTT is at the forefront of this growth. We at VTT are dedicated to developing smart, fossil-free solutions across various sectors, including industry, transport, construction, and energy. Key areas of focus include hydrogen economy technologies, sustainable natural resource utilization, and carbon dioxide reuse. Our expertise and technological capabilities are crucial in crafting these innovative solutions.

Moreover, VTT will launch a clean energy initiative funded by the RePowerEU programme. This initiative concentrates on three pivotal areas: the storage and acceleration of clean energy, enhancing energy efficiency and industry decarbonisation, and advancing hydrogen production and its economy. Through these efforts, VTT aims to create new scientific knowledge, boost research, development, and innovation activities as well as facilitate the piloting of pioneering technologies.

Join us as we continue to innovate and lead the way in a sustainable world, for today and for generations to come.

Further reading on VTT & sustainability

World Metrology Day 2024: Sustainability

VTT’s sustainability priorities

VTT’s Annual and sustainability report 2023

European Metrology Networks for sustainable future of Europe” blog by Martti Heinonen.

Martti Heinonen
Martti Heinonen