Where can we find future growth areas for Finland? The VTT lighthouses provide us with many opportunities

Blog post

Various actors in the world follow and examine a variety of megatrends and phenomena, trying to predict future development trends. The boldest among them claim that they are creating the future. This is what we at VTT do as well. In this blog, VTT’s Strategy Manager Sanna Tuominen explains how VTT has sought − and found − future growth opportunities for Finland. They benefit the whole world.

VTT began the search from megatrends and big challenges in society. Such change drivers are great in number, and they are scalable to different extents. For example, the United Nations has listed a few dozen major challenges for humanity and agreed on 17 sustainable development goals with a multinational consortium. Finland has a lot to offer towards reaching goals like this, and certain subject areas offer real opportunities for Finnish expertise to boost business and increase export. But how can we find and choose the most potential growth areas?

Lighthouses illuminate the way towards future growth

In our strategy work, we examined how societal challenges are transformed into opportunities for growth in Finland. Together with our stakeholders, we discussed where Finland’s strengths lie. Next, we considered how to accelerate growth with technological innovations.

As stated in our vision, we at VTT believe that a brighter future is created through science-based innovations. Extensive maps were drawn on the opportunities identified during the strategy work that were re-grouped under various areas of societal challenge. This led to the creation of five focus areas, which we call lighthouses:

Climate action – Clean energy for the future
Resource sufficiency – Prosperity from resource wisdom
Good life – Improved quality of life, work, health and well-being
Safety and security – Resiliency in turbulent world
Industrial renewal – Innovations empowering industry

The lighthouses and opportunities for Finland selected by VTT

Come join us to change the world

No actor can solve the major societal challenges alone. Through its lighthouse work, VTT has chosen focus areas on which it wishes to cooperate with other business actors in seeking solutions to the chosen global challenges. In these areas, Finland has national strengths. Ecosystems and new forms of collaboration enable our challenge-driven work towards sustainable solutions.

We describe the challenges related to the lighthouses and the opportunities for growth in the publication VTT Lighthouses – growth opportunities for industry and society. It is freely available to everyone. Get acquainted with our way of thinking and come join us in making a change towards creating a better future.

In addition, we will shortly begin a series of podcasts on Finland’s opportunities for growth, which will present our approach and the subject areas of opportunity in closer detail. Follow the VTT social media accounts to learn more about this!
