
Flow-computing has developed technology that accelerates CPU performance by 100x by creating a new type of parallel computing IP with full backwards compatibility to existing CPUs and applications.

100x performance is accomplished with our patented Thick-control-flow technology. Thick-control-flow combines computations flowing through same control path into multiple data paths under single control. 

  • Keeps parallel parts of the flow synchronous and allocates precisely the right amount of parallelism. 
  • Eliminates replication of control and common parts when parallelism increases. 
  • Separates execution of the flow to common Frontend and individual parallel Backend operations. 

Flow-computing architecture has several benefits. 1) Simplicity - To unleash the power of Flow-computing a CPU manufacturer simply configures our backend IP. 2) Compatibility - Binary-level backwards compatibility with all existing software and applications is guaranteed. 3) Cost - For better energy, size and cost management reducing the number of cores in CPU is possible.

Our technology provides 100x performance boost over current CPUs. In addition, we enable 5x SW development productivity improvement

Currently we are starting preparations for the upcoming seed round in Q1/2024.

Find out more about Flow-computing and contact us! 

Timo Valtonen presents the Flow-computing Team